I'd like to celebrate the awesomeness that is the world of "Avatar" in one of the best ways I can, which is food. If you haven't noticed, both "Avatar" series are chock full of food ranging from seaweed noodles to fruit pies to fire gummies to lychee juice and so much more (and cabbages of course). That's what makes these stories so wonderful, the detail, the heart, the care that so obviously goes into their creation. Everything in the "Avatar" world is researched, like the martial arts, the clothing, the language, the scenery, the music, and definitely the food. It shows, and it's amazing--and that's why the show is amazing! And I'd like to give thanks to whoever put together the "Cuisine in the World of Avatar" page on the "Avatar Wikia". They created a very awesome foods list that I'll be pulling from.
Because new "Korra" episodes will be airing every Friday, I'll post a new "Avatar" world food each Friday until the season finale (and perhaps beyond). I've been working and re-working and researching and experimenting on several recipes. I already have a couple ready to make posts and I'm excited to keep going. So look for the first world of "Avatar" food post this Friday (Sept. 27th)!
Edit: Lychee Nut Juice from "The Legend of Korra" (& Uncle Iroh's lychee tea from "Avatar: The Last Airbender".

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