Looking back on PoDW with the mindset of food, there's one character in particular who's all about it. Niddler is a monkeybird (a spider monkey/parrot hybrid) who was a slave and then becomes close friends–and free–with the main character of the show, Prince Ren, after saving his life. He loves all the foods but his all-time favorite is a fruit called minga melon that often looked like a watermelon on the outside but sometimes looked like a light green bell pepper squash thing–but always green–and then orange to red-ish on the inside. Man, Niddler can put down some minga-melons.
Niddler: Find any minga-melons?
Ioz: Get lost, monkeybird, before I shave your feathers.
–"The Ghost Pirates", "The Pirates of Dark Water" S.1, Ep.15
Note: The recipe below is for small minga-like-melons good for several individual servings, but you can totally make a big minga melon for an awesome par-tay or something by hollowing out a small-medium watermelon and filling that with the sorbet below. You'll need to triple or dipple the recipe, of course.

Niddler's Mini Minga Melon Sorbet
6 Limes
1 Mango, peeled & chopped (= ~1 Cup)
1/2 Cup Fresh Sweet Cherries, pitted
1 Yellow Nectarine, chopped (= ~1 Cup)
1/4 Cup Plain Yogurt (I used Greek)
1/4 Cup Granulated Sugar
1 tsp. Lime Juice
Important Items:
Blender or Food Processor
Mesh Strainer
Ice Cream Maker (optional, but oh so efficient!)
Mini Muffin Tin or Empty Egg Carton

Wash out the blender/processor & pour the fruit puree/liquid back in, adding the yogurt & sugar.
Cut the top 1/3 off of one of the limes & squeeze about 1 tsp. worth of lime juice into the blender. Set the lime aside for later. Blend the mixture until everything is combined & creamy smooth. Give it a taste test & blend in more sugar or lime juice if you'd like.
Pour the mixture into your ice cream maker & follow the ice cream mixer's directions for sorbet. If you don't have an ice cream maker pour the mixture into a shallow container & pop it in the freezer for an hour & then stir it all up & let it freeze again for an hour & then stir again. Repeat this process until your mixture comes to a sorbet-like consistency. After your mixture becomes sorbet, whether you used an ice cream maker or stirred it by hand, put it into an airtight container & keep it in the freezer.

Take one lime "cap" at a time in one hand & using the thumb of your other hand dig into the pith to get in between the skin/rind & the "meat"/pulp. Move your thumb all around until you've separated the innards from the outards (see image above). Put the pulp in a bowl.
Using your paring knife, work on the other part of the limes, the "body" or larger portions, by cutting into the pith between the rind & the pulp, angling the point of the knife inward so that you don't puncture the skin. Twist out the pulp & add it to the bowl. Now use your thumb like you did before to get in between the skin & the "meat" & pull them apart to reveal a smooth inside.
Clean out all of the lime tops & bottoms like this. Rinse them off & pat them dry with paper towels. Sit the limes upright in the muffin tin or egg carton, keeping the parts separate but being able to match up which tops go with which bottoms. Place them in the freezer until you're ready to fill them. Squeeze the lime pulp for juice & save it for something else.


I love the "melon" packaging, that's ingenious. This has always been my most favorite of all of my favorite cartoons. It makes me so sad that nobody seems to remember it, but now, now I have this! As soon as it's not negative 10 degrees, I'm going to make me and all of my uncultured friends some Minga Melon Sorbet.
ReplyDeleteHaha, awesome! Yeah, I wish more people were familiar with this show, but *fingers crossed* maybe someday it'll get a reboot like so many other old shows etc. are getting. One can dream!
DeleteA mí tmbn me encantaba esa serie.. y los melones minga.. :)